i just wanted to share this idea i had for my manzanita branch... i used some fishing string and a nail to secure it to the wall and then dolled it up with all of my long necklaces and even my lovely wendy stevens handbag.
i love this wild pig bag from Lush Designs... so much cool stuff, so little money!
"the ocean will hoard it's treasures for few to find." please click on the image to enlarge. i was so inspired by the wispy women featured in Kat Mcleod's work this week – i heard this sentence in my head and just ran with it. hope you all like it! critiques are welcome... xoxoxox
Kat McLeod is my newest crush. she makes me cry she's so good!
since this blog was named after my first and last animal friends i thought i'd pay homage to my last... here's the best bunny anyone could've ever had! love you rab xoxoxox (i have no photos of turtle but plenty of pre-school drawings of us watching tv together. maybe i'll post them some day.)
here's my last minute submission to IF. entitled: "tater tot fire... small potatoes." –as it turns out, the headline was the punchline–... dedicated to jen & darren xoxoxox
this is a new doodle entitled captured beauty. on a trip to renninger's last week i stumbled onto this amazing birdcage that inspired this idea... i just put this and the previous balloon doodle on sale at my etsy shop!
"they sailed from inside the balloon and continued until they had completely forgotten where they were coming from" hope you all enjoy! xoxoxo
i started this project of taking old books and gluing in pages to use as a warm up sketch book... luckily our bookstore at the top of the street has tons of old "junk" books that big–d traded for a large decaf! i'll post the progression...
another food related illustration! i really try not to be very political with my work but i saw an add with this verbiage and i just had to make this...
i actually made real chicken stock over the weekend while my husband was out-of-town and i decided it would make a great "how-to"... click on the image to zoom in. warning: it was a load of fun but i made a huge, hot mess! i would definitely suggest trying it with a friend. xoxoxo
i recently was looking through domino mag and found my style dream house. carina schott (owner of nonchalant mom)has such great taste and i aspire to make my surroundings as beautiful as hers for my family...
i really love this illustration (and all illustrations) by Arthur Rackham...
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