so, bummer – no time for adding new etsy items tonight – i'm swimming in invitations... above is my sea of a's which still need their filigree flowers and pearls... and below is my new favorite invite – they really love their dog and i really love this invitation!
yey! i'm so excited to part of craftsbury kids! hey - my illustration (hello sunshine) is even featured on their front page!so here's the special news... i have some special exclusive artwork that can only be found at craftsbury kids for now... it's a group of my new favorites: mini modern cameos! check them out and buy one today!
3 new additions – as promised! i'm really loving the where i live right now and celebrating the heritage, home and state i'm in are reflected perfectly in these crisp black, folk-style prints! {Pennsylvania, Pigs and Chickens and Home is made of... all for $17.00!}
artstarcraftbazaar vendors – including me! there are so many awesome looking vendors i just can't wait!!!
all this week i'll be adding new prints to my etsy shop! these were the 3 new additions today...{ no place like home, home and country pig, all for $17.00!}
artstar craft bazaar! come and check me out along with all my awesome z-town friends may 30th - 31st at penn's landing. i'll have a bunch of new work, little postcards, and more so come on down!
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