hey there folks! i just wanted to give this little update since i've had to wait a while before i could say for sure –
it's official, the geese are gone for good!

if you have a pond (or know of a pond nearby) you may have had or seen issues with canadian geese – and it ain't fun. well, when we moved in we were sharing our 3 acres with 3 families of geese who would each have 4-6 babies in the spring.

i know this sounds kind-of awesome and seeing the babies was great... at first... until the amount of poop started piling up. (geese put out a ton of poop per day, times that by 18 and we're talking serious poop-city!)

anyway, after trying all the humane ways possible we finally found a system that works!

so here's the secret: 1 happy dog + 1 old canoe.

yup, that's it. we let our old canoe float around aimlessly all day – which works for the majority of the time. and when they really tried to come back to nest and keep their babies (which they do for a couple days this spring) i had kitsune swim/chase after them for hours. she could never quite catch them but kept them constantly on their toes which eventually made it so they didn't want to come back.
so, i'm thinking i may have a new business venture.
i think i'll call us: 1 happy dog + 1 old canoe = 1 ecstatic and goose-free you.

happy friday!
it's such a beautiful day out there and i'm feeling so fantastic!
all this treasury and feed-back love has made me seriously high on life and work...

ok, check out one of my all-time-favorite treasuries created by sammade
be sure to check out her shop, too! so great!

and then this wonderfully selected balloon inspired treasury by vivalaviolett
who also has such cute stuff in her shop! xoxoxox
and then, the reason i do what i do...
and really appreciate every minute of it –
i got all teary from the most recent one. i'm so sappy.

so with that – i love you all!
happy weekend wishes,
loving these landmarks!!
such a wonderful treasury by katnawlins

i'm so thrilled that my brooklyn bridge print has been getting such extra love lately + i have such exciting (however, momentarily secret) news about it's upcoming national debut... stay tuned!
oh boy! it's been such a busy summer and the wedding season has been seriously bumpin' around here! amidst all of that – i've barely had time to post anything new (+ i know some particular family members have been looking for what's news in this neck-o-the-woods) so here you go!


every other morning kitsune and i have been walk/jogging 5 miles!

– action shots –

here's a fuzzy shot of my favorite farm on top of our hill where i can see the blue mountains and even steam from limerick!

side note: did you know there is a boutique in tokyo called kitsune - and i LOVE it!!


ok back to the homestead...

the chickens are doing well and giving us 4 beautiful eggs everyday!

and we've cut them out a new tree for shade next spring.

also, we've been doing some deck gardening while we clean up the real garden –

i've been busy propagating willow trees, irish moss, red clover, rosemary, basil, succulents and more!

green peppers growing

and little tomatoes, too!

thoughts for next year...

we plan to add coturnix quails

and escargot snails to the farm!

xoxoxox wish us luck xoxoxox
happy tuesday all!

check out domestica! one of my newest boutiques is looking soooo fabulous! finding my prints in the backgrounds of these photos is making me beyond happy and excited!! + you can find me in their big cartel shop or just check them out the next time your in des moines, iowa! {thanks so much chrissy! xoxoxox +++ super thanks to jen of hey! jen renee for her awesome blog post }

getting some brooklyn bridge love this past weekend with these great treasuries!
{super thanks to lovelykins and lillya xoxoxox}